What are the benefits of school-based teacher training?

June 19, 2023

In March 2023 Crispin School joined Wessex Learning Trust, along with the The Mid Somerset Consortium which offers high quality, school-based teacher training in local secondary schools.

Whilst the traditional route to teacher training is through a Higher Education Institution, there is an increase in students choosing school-based teacher training through other establishments such as The Mid Somerset Consortium. So what are the benefits of choosing this route for teacher training?

First and foremost, is that you are immediately immersed in school life and part of the school community from the start. Students and staff see you as a new member of the department and school rather than a trainee joining them part the way through the term. This gives you the opportunity to integrate into the school community and take part in school life, just like a fully qualified teacher.

Another huge benefit is that trainees are supported by a subject mentor and an Initial Teacher Training Coordinator (ITTC) in school. The trainees work closely with their mentors and have a dedicated weekly meeting to discuss their progress and set targets. ITTCs meet trainees fortnightly to discuss wider school issues and offer pastoral support. The school-based route gives trainees feedback from other teachers, coaches and experts, which in turn helps to improve and accelerate your progress.

Weekly, centralised training takes place every Tuesday which alternates between subject specific studies and teaching and learning theory. These training days are crucial to the progress and development of your teacher training, but also offer a huge support during the training programme. The Mid Somerset Consortium is a small inclusive community, which is a huge benefit to trainees as they know you and your school really well and understand the pressures of training to teach and managing life outside of school at the same time, offering support and advice when needed.

If you’d like to find out more about The Mid Somerset Consortium and the training routes they offer, find out more on the website HERE or watch the following YouTube video about the benefits!