Mark CofE First School receives positive SIAMS inspection.
February 9, 2024
The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) carried out their inspection at Mark CofE First School on Tuesday 16 January with a successful and positive outcome, below is an excerpt from the full SIAMS report.
The vision of Mark CofE First School promotes aspiration and enthusiasm and enables a very positive effect on pupils’ learning and behaviour. The school’s well-established place within the multi-academy trust (MAT) has a powerful effect in sustaining the impact of the school’s vision.
The school’s creative curriculum is an expression of its vision enabling all to develop a ‘love of learning’. It is engaging and exciting, motivating pupils to aspire to fulfil their dreams. Pupils say they can ‘surprise themselves’ by what they can achieve.
A prominent focus on creative aspects of learning such as through dance, drama, art and crafts enhance pupils’ enjoyment of school. The outdoor classroom is used in a wide range of ways to stimulate learning with positive outcomes. Staff have a good understanding of spiritual development. They promote opportunities to maximise experiences which develop pupils’ creativity, imagination and curiosity. These activities described as ‘fun’ by pupils are integral to life at Mark.
Collective worship is the heartbeat of the school community, encouraging all to flourish spiritually. This is because worship enables themes such as Christian values to permeate the whole of the school day. For example, perseverance and enthusiasm are conveyed successfully through considering inspiring role models from society and history.
A calm and respectful atmosphere permeates life and is evident throughout the school. Difference and diversity are celebrated in this accepting community. The inter-faith weeks are enthusiastically supported by the school’s partnership with the church. Events share an understanding of the lives of people living in cultures beyond the local area as well as with Christians.
The inspection findings indicate that Mark Church of England VC First and Pre-School Academy is living up to its foundation as a Church school.