World Interfaith Harmony Week
February 3, 2023
This week is World Interfaith Harmony Week. Rev. Ruth Motion, the Chaplain at Kings Academy wrote a few words to explain the importance of promoting this.
In 2010, the United Nations began World Interfaith Harmony week which takes place during the first week of February each year. This international celebration provides a platform to encourage people of all religious faiths as well as those who don’t follow a religious belief, to find out more about different faiths but particularly, find out the shared commonalities between them to promote religious harmony, respect and peace.
As shown in the illustration below, all faiths have one idea in common. This is known as “The Golden Rule”, it is the shared belief that everyone should treat each other with respect. We should, as human beings treat other people as we would like to be treated ourselves. Just think how much better the world would be if we all did this – there would be no unkind words, no bullying, no fighting, no wars; it would be amazing!
Perhaps we could all use this week to find out a little bit about a different religious faith? Perhaps by talking to a friend who has a different religion to us, or by reading about how each faith tries to live out “The Golden Rule” in their everyday lives. By doing so, we can develop our understanding whilst encouraging tolerance and respect in all areas of our lives.
As a Multi-Academy Trust, our vision and values reflect ‘The Golden Rule’. As a Trust of seventeen schools, all of which are different and unique, we stand together by sharing a common ethos deeply rooted in our communities which enables us to thrive and grow with hope, belief and aspiration woven through everything we do.