Statement by the Chief Executive on the Death of Her Majesty The Queen

September 9, 2022

It is with great sadness that we join the world in mourning for the loss of Her Majesty The Queen. We offer our heartfelt condolences to The King and the Royal Family.

The Trust stands together with our schools to grieve the passing of Our Queen, a figure of continuity, humility and kindness and this intense loss is felt deeply across our community.

Through our grief shines gratitude, for a Queen whose leadership has shown no bounds with her dedication and selfless service to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. Throughout her reign, she has demonstrated a deep level of respect, care and humility through extraordinary times of change. The Late Queen’s strong sense of resilience and courage never wavered, which is something we can all draw inspiration from and in fact, the very essence of what we as a Trust strive to achieve has been role modelled by The Queen, whose capacity to listen and lead community with a strong sense of morality has had a profound influence on our own values as a Trust.

As we come together within our schools and our communities to celebrate the life of Her Late Majesty, we hold close the legacy we have gained from Our Queen, that of hope, belief and aspiration.

May Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace.