Egg-straordinary Acts of Kindness

March 15, 2021

As we approach Easter, one learner at the Wessex Learning Trust decided to ‘hatch’ a plan to spread some kindness around their village.

While home learning in March, Ruby – a Year 8 at Hugh Sexey Middle School – thought that in order to lift the spirits of those in her community during the current lockdown, she would leave some ‘Kindness Eggs’ in various locations around her village, spreading messages of positivity, and an encouragement for finders to do something nice for someone else. To do this, Ruby ordered twelve hollow plastic eggs and printed out a message to go inside each of them, saying: “You have encountered a kindness egg. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to complete the random act of kindness on the other side of this piece of paper, then re-hide this egg for someone else to find”, with the reverse having a ‘random act of kindness’ for the finder to complete, such as ‘leave someone flowers’ or ‘write a letter of appreciation to someone you love’.

Following the placement of these twelve eggs, Ruby went on to discover the following day that all bar two had been found and taken by to-be do-gooders. Realising the success of her initiative, Ruby was quick to order another twenty-four eggs; assembling them with further acts of kindness and placing them around the village to allow the good deeds to continue to proliferate.

 We are incredibly proud of Ruby and think that this is a wonderful, positive initiative which will bring so much joy to the people of her community during lockdown. Ruby demonstrates the values of kindness and thoughtfulness which we hope to instil in all our learners and proves herself to be a true credit to her school.

Headteacher at Hugh Sexey’s, Paul Tatterton, commented:

“What Ruby has done is extraordinary and will, I’m sure, make so many people’s days as they stumble across these bundles of kindness around the village. This was a great idea and I’m incredibly proud to see Ruby using her free time to give back to the community in which she lives”.

Paul Tatterton – Headteacher at Hugh Sexey Middle School

Therefore, if you see a colourful plastic egg while you’re out and about in Wedmore, be sure to open it up … you never know what you might find!