Draycott Headteacher Features on Local Podcast
September 17, 2020
By Sam Kail-Dyke – Wessex Learning Trust
We were very lucky last month to welcome the talented Tiggi Trethowan to Draycott and Rodney Stoke First School for an exclusive interview with the headteacher, Will Ewens.
Tiggi – a former BBC Television employee – is the creator and presenter of the locally acclaimed podcast ‘Draycott Diaries’ which seeks to report on and celebrate all the amazing activities going on in Draycott and the surrounding areas.
In this episode, Tiggi talks with Mr. Ewens about the importance of education, and of course the impact of COVID-19 on schools; as well as his own path into the sector and onto headship. He shares many insights into his inspiring outlook on schools and learning, and demonstrates the amazing impact he’s had on pupils and the school, despite only being in post since January.
The podcast is well worth a listen, and does a credit to this amazing local school. You can find out more and listen online here, or via your preferred podcasting app.